Soul Sis Solstice
Longest day of the year
Highest position in the sky
Summer solstice my dear
First day we heard you cry
Your small body I carefully embrace
Patiently waiting to see those eyes
Button nose, gray twinkle, adorable face
To catch your attention, I hastily improvise
Reader rabbit, computer screen
Buying time, waiting to reunite
‘92, ‘98, half a dozen between
My little ray of light, you came to shine bright.
To my little sister, my writing mentor, the one that understands my humor like no other. You came into this world making a statement, longest day of the year, because you came to shine my dear. Loving you no matter what, no distance, no words, nothing, not even death itself will dent the love I have for you lil sis. I think of you every time I hear this song, I picture us dancing to it, careless, jamming out, singing our hearts out. Thank you for sharing your love of music with me, it’s a treasure I hold near and dear to my heart. If there is a song that could be the soundtrack for our relationship and everything we have been through, it would be this one. I love you.